Tuesday 16 January 2018

8 keys to being a good manager of your space.

God took the Man and set him down in the Garden of Eden to work the ground and keep it in order – Gen. 2:15. My understanding of this scripture is; you are in your space to make it a haven here on earth.

Interior design is basically making the best use of your space; it is making your space work for you. Space sets the boundary and limit to any functional or decorative thing you or an interior designer can do. If is not paramount for you to keep your place in order, then what is? The value of keeping your interior space intact and not tacky cannot be overemphasized, reason it is the first instruction God gave to them.

Here are some steps to keeping this divine order, do it and thank me later-

1. Detail out your need/want and make your need a priority – Some of us are emotionally attached to certain furniture piece or artifact that we seldom have space for. You might want a full 7 sitter sofa and have space for a 3 sitter and probably one single. When you insist on swizzing in the 7 sitter, clutter is inevitable. That is just an example, yours could play out differently. Prioritize your need.

2. Build/Buy to size – Omoge steps out of the house looking all hot and sassy for one good reason. She is wearing her size! Yes the dress, shoe, hair, makeup etc all fits perfectly. Don’t be looking all that good and your interior space is not making any impression, just because the furniture is too big or too small. In Nigeria palace “Your room wear oversize” lol. In the Interior design industry, we take lots of measurement to ensure we are building or buying to size. If you are doing a DIY, please get a carpenter to get the right size for you, write it on a sheet of paper like the doctor’s prescription and shop base on that measurement. My best advice is to work with an interior designer, you will be saved from a lot of stress.

3. Have a space for everything and keep everything in their space – I once stepped into a friend’s room and found his cream and shaving powder on his fridge. What! I screamed! Who does that a beg. I quickly took them off and kept them somewhere and trust me that was business. By the weekend I brought in a shelf for him, storage for his toiletries and of cause he paid for it. Don’t do mix with your room items; leave that to ice-cream, sharwama and the other junks we eat. When it comes to your room, have various compartment for your belongings and ensure they stay there. Like I did, you can have a temporary place to keep things but never let them go array in your space. 

4. Buy multi-functional furniture – Especially if your room is small, a three in one furniture piece will work like magic! A sofa that is bed and also a storage place, a bed that comes with storage, an ottoman that has a storage etc. This also works in a big space because it creates extra storage. Nigerians can buy buy sha, reason why I always talk about extra storage. Use your under staircase but please don’t jam pack your house. Ensure you have clean lines and good ventilation.

5. Avoid dead spaces – A dead space is any space that is not used and that cannot be easily accessed. Your room items are best pushed to the wall, where spacing is needed it must be one that is easily accessible to clean or walk through. Once I did a design and my teacher pointed out a dead area, I had to redo. 

6. The color magic – Your space can look bigger or smaller just by a stroke of a light or dark color. Give your space a big impression with light colors on the other hand you can also make your space combat and cozy with some warm colors. Colors give your room a very interesting interpretation and I will tell you more about how color works in subsequent edition.

7. Clean House – A very key aspect in space management outside interior design is doing your house chore. My interior design tips are inclusive of home management tips because maintenance is key. Have a chore routine and keep to it. I have a friend who pays someone every weekend to come clean, yeah she can afford it. If you can’t afford it, it means you are not that busy so please DIY (do it yourself). The saying that Cleanliness is next to Godliness is very true. House chore is another episode that will be treated so watch out.

8. The eighth thing is to do all seven above and live happily ever after been the best you!

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope you find it valuable. What about letting me know you visited, leave a comment please. Thanks and watch out for more interesting episodes. A wise designer is your sure ticket to a peaceful, comfortable and beautiful space at your own budget.

Follow me on my social media platform to watch my weekly episode of Interior design matters. Handles are : FB: Mercy Ebute Twitter/Instagram: @mercyebute

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