Friday 18 November 2016

#MustRead: 5 Tips To A 5 Star Home.

“Welcome to a home outside your home.” Hold on! Before you move in, may I announce to you, there is no home outside your home; those who made that statement are only gunning for your money in exchange for a stay in their hotel. Soon, you will be obliged to go back to your abode. The question is, are you more at home in a hotel than your home? The tranquility and decors of a five star hotel can be very alluring if you have no star or spark in your home. 

Welcome to (HOME101) - Own your space and manage it into the haven of your delight. We miss a lot of peace when we fail to make our home ambiance peaceful. Carried away by the care of the basic; food, school, work, business, we don’t get to notice all of the broken pieces in our homes that can break us and our relationships. There’s too much trouble out there, our home must offer us serenity and inspire us to blaze through the troubles. The number one tip to a five star home is to own your space with the following tips:

1. Calculate your space – Don’t pick up the calculator you won’t need it. This is just a mental analysis of the space that is available for use. The space you have available should determine, the items you can take in. I am single, and like my marital statues I stay in a single room apartment. Before I moved into the apartment or even paid for the house, I stood in the middle of the room and did a mental arrangement of the house, that informed what I needed and I also got to know what I can’t bring in as a result of the size of the room. In the same way you take measurement to get a properly sized dress tailored for you, you need to measure your space and furnish it according to the size of your room. No matter how small your space is, you can have everything you need in it if you furnish according to size. Furnishing according to size saves you a lot of stress.

2. Organize your space – Once you are done with analyzing the space, organise it. What will fit in where? I always say, make space for everything in your house and keep everything in their space. Above I told you to size up your items to fit in your space, now that you have your items sized up; you need to fit them appropriately. Compartmentalize your space. Know where the bed should be, fridge, wardrobe, dresser, decors, mirrors, books, lamps, television etc. Every little thing should have their space and ensure everything stays in their place. On this point, there is something I do. I have a make shift space for certain things, so that if I can’t immediately keep things in their proper place, I have them neatly kept in a temporal location until I am ready to put them in their original space. This will help avoid having things scattered all over the place, just because I don’t have the time or energy to place them properly yet.

3. Decorate your space – If your furniture is not up to date or trendy, you piss me off immediately. I get a shocker when a newly furnished place is done with antique design materials. I get too angry to talk most of the time. Even my dad in refurbishing his house did not make that mistake. A house made up of modern furnishing items, is easier to maintain. Curtains are no longer as bulky as they use to be. The lighter your curtains, the more trendy and easier to maintain. Don’t just size up and fit in, decorate. Add a lot of trendy stuff in your furnishing items. Peep online and follow blog for the latest furnishing designs and trends. Get help from Interior Designers and Decorators around (Will put up interior professionals here soon for easy access). Whatever you do, make sure your home is not just drab, but dazzling. (You can scroll on our articles here for great decoration tips.)

4. Organise your chores: Daily and Weekly – You ware yourself out when you do everything in one day. Understand the dirt power of your house, then schedule its maintenance activities to daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. There are some houses that you must sweep daily, I confess my room is like that, others you can afford to only mob weekly. Weigh your home’s dirt power verses traffic and do your cleaning timing. Don’t do measure cleaning of all the part of your house in one day. Except of course you are a full time house wife with no professional career. To enable you attend to other matters efficiently, organise your chores. Task like washing of plates, dressing of bed, sometimes sweeping are examples of daily task, washing of toilet, kitchen and other vital part can be done weekly or two times in a week. Cleaning of windows, washing of duvets and other heavy materials can be monthly. They are no hard or fast rule to this, do it the way appropriate for you. But don’t do too much of house work in a day.

5. Train and Delegate: Don’t play jack of all and master of none with your home. When only one person does the house work of where three people are staying, it is usually hectic and annoying. In the case of a house help, give her adequate training, which we offer, should you need our services. Contact numbers will be made available soon. In the case of co-tenants, house duties should be delegated appropriately. When only you become the master cleaner, you will definitely get tired. So let everybody know what to do and when to do it, in that case no one is overburdened and the work will be light for everyone and the house always tidied up.

For reading this far, you have a bonus of two extra points:

6. Be kind and show humour – There is nothing that makes a home serene like showing kindness and sharing laughing times. If you are overly forceful about tidying up a home, you will end up with a tidy unhappy home. Take it easy jare, be polite in asking that things get done and even make a humour out of it. 

7. Stay with routines- From the listed items above, I am sure you have set things in place. Stay with it, be consistent and deliberate with the ambiance of your home.

Always endeavor not to quench the stars in your home.

HOME101 on my blog, is a must follow for all. This is the first article of this series. HOME101 will be published on this blog every week on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It is especially written and packaged to revolutionize your home life, you will write to thank me soon. 

On the next publication we will be looking at the “Genesis of Interior Design” taking a look at creation to see God’s intent for the ambiance of our homes. Don’t miss it!

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